Let’s talk about change.
They say people hate change. And while change can be scary
and stressful, it can also be transformative and even adventurous.
Integrated pest management is all about change. IPM is is a
system of change – where you make the best decision you can, evaluate that
decision and then make more changes. That’s what makes IPM such a fun system to
work with: it’s a tool that can be applied in different ways and in different
settings and while the principles remain constant, the practice of IPM doesn’t.
One person wondered if we could frame IPM as an approach
within other contexts, a framework incorporated into other pest management
contexts and systems. That didn’t seem like a change to me until she suggested
that to fit in some systems, we might have to give up the term IPM. That’s a
big change and that’s one that initially made me uncomfortable. Are we ready,
as a community, to give up this name that we worked so long and hard to define?
But would we actually be giving up anything if our ultimate
vision was still fulfilled? If the principles of integrated pest management are
applied across systems and the result is increased income, a more resilient
environment and a healthier population, have we lost anything?
I certainly think it’s worth having the discussion. You can
contribute to the National IPM Coordinating Committee white paper, but you can
also contribute by having these conversations within your networks in and out
of the IPM community. What would it take to see IPM used in every school,
national park, forest, house and farm in the West?
The National IPM Coordinating Committee isn’t the only place
where this discussion is being held. We are holding it at the Center, too.
As I’ve been learning about the Center, I’ve asked our team
to be introspective. As a result, we have refined our mission and vision and
developed a draft of how we will evaluate ourselves and hold ourselves
accountable to the people of the West.
Our new mission statement outlines why we exist:
We serve the people, environment and economy of the West by
supporting the development and adoption of integrated pest management to reduce
the risks of pests and of pest-management practices.
And we’ve developed a new vision that outlines what we would
like to see as a result of our efforts:
A healthier West with fewer pests.
We’ve developed a theory of change around these revised
goals. This theory of change summarizes our work at a strategic level. It’s
meant to motivate us and locate us in the greater IPM community. It begins with
our ultimate goal.
A healthy West is one where human health is improved or
protected, the environment, communities and farms become more resilient and the
economy is enriched.
To us, the path to a healthier West is through widespread
IPM adoption. Along with others, the Western IPM Center aims to increase IPM
adoption. With our resources and expertise, the Center’s niche is building
regional approaches to integrated pest management. State-level IPM researchers,
extension educators, growers, agencies and others develop, test and refine IPM
methodologies that work on local scales. We promote and catalyze the expansion
of these methodologies beyond state and regional borders. We also support our
region by promoting its needs at a national level.
The Western IPM Center will use this theory of change to
plan and evaluate our program. This theory of change is flexible and responsive
to change. And it might be modified from time to time because, as we all know,
things change.
I look forward to your thoughts on reframing integrated pest management, our vision and
mission statements, and our theory of change. Together, as a community, we can
change the way people manage pests. We can integrate IPM principles into other
systems. And we can work together for a healthier West with fewer pests.